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Keith Douglas Bail Bonds | logo
Located in Jackson & Sikeston, MO  
Jackson - 573-243-5500
Sikeston - 573-471-1100
Keith Douglas Bail Bonds | logo

Bail Bonds Process

Agent Of:
Located in Jackson & Benton, MO  
Jackson- 573-243-5500
Benton- 573-545-9900
Call Us Today
Located in Jackson & Benton, MO  
Jackson- 573-243-5500
Benton- 573-545-9900
We’re there when YOU need us
Bail bonds service

Dependable Bail Bondsman Services

The bail bonds process is generally done in a three-step process at Keith Douglas Bail Bonds. Take a look at our easy, step-by-step process shown below and contact our office for assistance!

Our Fee for all bonds is 10% of the total bond amount set by the court. All fees are non refundable

Step One: Getting the Necessary Information

In order to process your bond for you, Keith Douglas Bail Bonds will need to be provided with the defendant’s name and their date of birth. In addition to the information regarding the person looking to secure the bond, we will also require the name of the jail they are incarcerated in, including the city and state,  the amount of bond necessary, the bond set by the court, and the payment method being used to secure the bond.

Step Two: Submitting Your Bond Application

Our staff will provide you with every opportunity to quickly and efficiently file your application for a bond, so that you can get your loved one out of jail in the shortest possible amount of time. Please print, complete, and submit your bond application today to get your bond issued. All applications can be competed when we meet at our office or the jail
Bail bonds service

Step Three: Securing Your Loved 
One's Freedom

Once we've received all the necessary information, Keith Douglas Bail Bonds will contact the jail your loved one is incarcerated in, head immediately to the jail to post post the requested bond, and have your loved ones released from police custody awaiting your arrival. In some instances the Judge may issue special conditions on your loved ones bond, which could range from, no drinking, to drug testing, to GPS monitoring, all of which are rendered by a private company assigned by the Judge. Some counties will allow release to the bondsman,  you must report for special conditions. Some jails require you or your loved one to be taken over during operating hours of the provider in the special conditions. This may delay your loved ones just a bit. You can rely on our experience and knowledge of the court systems to assist you in your time of need!
Call 573-243-5500 Today or Visit Our Location for Your FREE Consultation!
At Keith Douglas Bail Bonds, we are full-time bondsmen, not part-time like most of our competition. The bail bonds industry is our life, and we are there for you when you need us!
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